Vision and Aims

Discover the driving force behind our school's purpose, aspirations, and nurturing ethos

Welcome to the heart and soul of our educational journey, where we unveil the guiding principles that shape our school's purpose, inspire our collective aspirations, and define the nurturing environment that fosters growth and excellence in every student.


LETSS strives to provide a caring and supportive school community that nurtures each student’s personal, social and academic potential throughout their school career. Fundamental to our vision is an emphasis on building learning power so that all our students, irrespective of belief system, race, ethnicity, class, culture, gender, language, lifestyle and ability, are equipped with the learning habits and qualifications to thrive in the 21st century. We believe that all people should have access to an excellent education that is inclusive and fosters a culture where students can be who they want to be.

In LETSS, we place students at the centre of the learning process. Our vision for teaching and learning builds on the thinking underpinning the Framework for Junior Cycle (2015) which outlines the curriculum and assessment arrangements that will provide students with learning opportunities that achieve a balance between learning subject knowledge and developing a range of skills and thinking abilities.

We are striving to create a relevant learning environment that is real-world, connected, meaningful, global, interdisciplinary and project-based. We are developing rigorous learning opportunities that are challenging, outcome-focused, skills-based, open-ended and creative. We want our students to develop and grow to become critical thinkers and build relationships that are collaborative, compassionate, sensitive, culturally inclusive, personal, respectful, trusting and develop self-management and emotional intelligence.


We are committed to providing a learning experience that is student-centred. In Limerick ETSS, not only do we assess what students learn, more more importantly, we assess how they learn so that they can contribute meaningfully to their local, national and global communities, embrace the rights and responsibilities of active citizenship and develop the knowledge and skills needed to live, learn and work in the 21st century. Underpinning our aims are five principles: